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Riding the Unicorn Paul Kearney review

Cover of Paul Kearney's book Riding the Unicorn, depicting a fantastical landscape with a lone figure and a unicorn

**”Riding the Unicorn Paul Kearney review”** The Unicons Journey is a book written by Paul Kearney in 1994 blending fantasy, psychological depth and self reflection. It tells a story that delves into both the protagonists struggles and the magical realm he navigates.

In Riding the Unicorn Paul Kearney review, the main character, John Willoughby is depicted as an Englishman facing a life crisis. His life is mundane marked by the disappointments that come with age; a lackluster career, a distant marriage and an overall feeling of discontent. However everything changes when he begins having dreams that transport him to a world filled with magic and myth. A stark contrast, to his ordinary existence. In this realm of towering castles and mystical landscapes Willoughby discovers himself playing a role in a battle between good and evil. The novel delves into the contrast between his two lives emphasizing the struggle, between the ordinary and the extraordinary, reality and fantasy.

Themes and Irony of Riding the Unicorn Paul Kearney review

In **Riding the Unicorn** Kearney explores themes with a focus, on escapism and the universal human aspiration for an extraordinary life. The transformation of Willoughby from an existence to an one in his dreams showcases a striking irony. This contrast offers insights into the experience and our futile longing for greatness. The irony of Willoughby becoming a hero, in his dreams humorously highlights the absurdity of his life hinting that true heroism may only exist in the realm of imagination.

Willoughbys adventures

The book delves into the protagonists thoughts and feelings. Willoughbys adventures, in the world may symbolize his wishes and frustrations. Throughout the story there is a hint of tension especially in Willoughbys interactions with the mystical women from the parallel realm. These moments are filled with irony highlighting the contrast between Willoughbys real life struggles and his idealized dream self.

The novel contains both implied references, to sexuality serving as a representation of Willoughbys suppressed longings and unresolved issues. Kearney fearlessly explores the nature of desires and how they shape our sense of self and aspirations.

Kearneys storytelling is filled with sarcasm especially when depicting Willoughbys life. The characters pessimistic view, on his life offers a humorously dark perspective, on the dullness of daily routines. Kearneys clever and sarcastic tone highlights the ridiculousness of Willoughbys predicament giving the character complexity and making his adventures in the dream realm more impactful.

**Riding the Unicorn** is a captivating novel that skillfully intertwines elements of fantasy, with an exploration of its character. By incorporating irony wit and sensual themes Kearney constructs a story that’s both captivating and thought provoking. The books examination of escapism and humanitys yearning for a existence strikes a chord with readers making it an enticing choice, for those seeking a mix of fantasy and introspection.

Summing up

To sum up **Riding the Unicorn** transcends being a fantasy tale; it is a woven narrative that delves into the inner world of its protagonist presenting a story that mirrors both human experiences and the fantastical realm it portrays.

Don’t miss out our review of The Way to Babylon by Paul Kearney!

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